Attention shoppers!
Despite the upcoming changes in mandated health restrictions this coming weekend that removes the province-wide requirement to wear masks in retail businesses, GameKnight has made the decision to prioritize safety over convenience and will continue to require masks be worn in-store, 100% of the time. We will continue to have disposable masks available as required.
If you wish to not wear a mask, or are unable to for whatever reason, we have numerous options with which we can assist you in your service and purchases without coming into the building, including a fully functioning webstore at However, unmasked individuals will not be allowed to shop in-store.
We understand some of you may not like this, but we ask that you respect our staff and our policies. Belligerence, aggression, harrassment et al. will not be tolerated.
Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
GameKnight Management
COVID Restriction Update