Rental Program
(includes prices, many pages, better on small displays)
Our rental program is back! Please note that before renting, you will need to sign a rental agreement (see below).
GameKnight Games has a tabletop game rental program! For a nominal fee (around 10% of the game’s regular retail price), you can rent one of our open copies of games to bring home, play with friends and family and see how you like it. If you love it (and we hope you will!), you have the option to put your rental fee towards the purchase of the game. If you don’t like it, then it only cost you a few bucks to try!
To rent a game at GameKnight, you simply need the following:
- Have a full account (free to set up), including full name, a physical address, a phone number and an email address.- Have government issued photo I.D. (required at time of each rental).
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Have a signed rental agreement on file.
Rental Fees
We aim for a given game’s rental fee to be 10% of its retail value, rounded up to the nearest dollar. For example, a game that sells for $55.00 would have a rental fee of $6.00.
Extended game rentals (7 days) cost twice as much as the listed rental fee.
Rental Periods and Due Dates
Standard game rentals will be for 3 (three) days, not including the day of rental, and will be due back at the store one hour before closing on the due date.
Extended game rentals are for 7 (seven) days, not including the day of rental, and will be due back at the store one hour before closing on the due date.
It's your birthday!?
On the 7 days surrounding your birthday (from seven days prior to seven days after) you are eligible for a free game rental! Please mention it to the cashier when you're renting games around your birthday to get one game rental service free! Regular rental terms and policies still apply.
Due Dates and Holidays
If your rental’s due date falls on a day that GameKnight is closed (most statutory holidays), it may instead be returned the next day of business by one hour before closing. This absolutely means you can maximize your play time with your rental by renting three days before a holiday. Game on!
Purchase Options
If, upon returning a game, you decide that you liked it so much you’d like to buy a copy, we will apply your cumulative rental fees (minus taxes) towards the purchase of the game, up to five times the base rental price. If we don’t have it in stock at the time, we will work to order it in for you, at which time the rental fee can be put towards it as normal. Note that there are some games that may not be in print any longer, and all games are subject to availability.
Late Fees
Games returned after the due date will be assigned a late fee of 50% (half) of the game’s rental fee per day late. This late fee cannot be applied towards the purchase of a game. Outstanding late fees must be paid before the customer will be permitted to rent games again.
You will also not be able to rent games before returning an overdue rental.
What happens if I don’t return the game?
GameKnight Games uses a collection agency to assist in the timely retrieval of fines and materials to ensure fair access to all customers. Accounts with long overdue rentals will be referred to the collection agency after 60 days. Any further notification regarding your rentals will come from the collection agency.
An un-returned game will also prohibit the renter from any further rentals with GameKnight Games.
You will also earn our ire. Just return your rentals!