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Warhammer, both in it's fantasy and sci-fi forms, has been the king of hobby miniature games for a long time. Whether you're playing Warhammer 40K or Age of Sigmar, or one of the spinoff games like Warcry, Kill Team or Blackstone Fortress, you'll find the miniatures here!

1076 products

GW Necromunda Ironhead Squat Prospectors Exo-Kyn

$58.99 CAD


GW Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Infantry

$58.99 CAD


GW Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Automata

$58.99 CAD


GW Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Triaros Squadron

$58.99 CAD


GW Blood Bowl Spike! Almanac 2024

$58.99 CAD


GW Age of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Manifestations

$63.99 CAD


GW Age of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Battletome

$65.99 CAD


GW Age of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittaboss

$39.99 CAD


GW Age of Sigmar Daemons of Nurgle Beast of Nurgle

$63.99 CAD


GW Warhammer Underworlds Wrack and Ruin Rivals Deck

$32.99 CAD


GW Warhammer Underworlds Reckless Fury Rivals Deck

$32.99 CAD


GW Middle-Earth Fellowship of the Ring

$65.99 CAD


GW Middle-Earth Eowyn and Merry

$51.99 CAD


GW Middle-Earth Mordor Troll / Isengard Troll

$58.99 CAD


1076 products