Turn ordinary tavern visit into remarkable, exciting roleplaying experiences. Need some inspiration for bar brawls? Peculiar games of chance? Innkeeper mannerisms? This book has it all, and more.
Chronicled by famous adventurer Quilla Bladesong, you will discover famous places such as The North Call Inn, Fizzlenozzle's Hall of Wonders and The King's Coin. Each includes relevant NPC's and a number of secrets and rumors that provide story hooks for many new adventures. Each tavern is written so that it can easily be dropped into your existing campaign world and become a place your players love returning to, time and again!
- 88 pages of rich, inspirational content
- Compatible with any tabletop RPG system*
- 8 ready-made famous taverns & their history
- NPC's, story hooks, rumors, foods & drinks
- Optional new gameplay rules
- Entire section about creating your own taverns
- Over 1.000 options through random generation tables
* Some special effects are 5e-ish.
If you love creating your own wonderful places, Remarkable Inns & Their Drinks provides you a wealth of inspiration and options; there are complete sections full to the brim with generation tables, lists, and ideas to create and populate your taverns. They range from the types of drinks to be served, the variable exotic dishes, memorable features and even a list of 100 More Story Hooks for your Taverns
A range of exciting optional gameplay rules allows the GM to add a new spin on otherwise ordinary tavern visits.
Soft cover version